A Guide to Shamanic Treatments

If you suffer from certain health ailments, you may become disillusioned or frustrated by conventional medicine. If this sounds like you, there are alternative holistic treatments that may help. One alternative treatment of note is shamanism, a spiritual practice found in cultures throughout the world. The following guide to will help you understand shamanic treatments better.

What is Shamanism?

The practice of shamanism has existed from ancient times to modern times. For the best modern definition of the practice, we look toward shaman and healer, Brant Secunda, who founded the Dance of the Deer Foundation in the late 70s. 

Secunda, a member of the Huichol tribe says, “Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and a way of life. The teachings of shamanism focus on our connection to nature and promote the well-being of all creation.”

What is a Shaman?

In ancient times, shamans belonged to an elite part of society and were thought to have a direct link to the divine. Their philosophy is that the life of a modern shaman belongs to the community, and it is a shaman’s responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of family, the village, and all of creation. By doing this, the shaman helps maintain harmony and balance within the community and on a planetary level.

Shamanism and Psychedelics

Ancient shamans used psychedelic tryptamines and other organic substances to achieve the euphoric state and trance that allowed them to communicate with their deities. Psychedelics commonly used in the ceremonies include peyote and the yopa tree, along with the neurotoxin of venomous toads.

Other substances they used included cocaine, and teotlacualli, a concoction made up of crushed scorpions, live spiders centipedes and tobacco that the shaman drank or smeared all over his body.


Today, a shaman adheres to a similar practice and mindset (most likely without cocaine and teotlacualli, of course). They act as an intermediary between the spirit world and the physical world. They also act as healers to the people in their village and others by conducting ceremonial rituals and guiding them on the shamanic path.

Aspects of Non-Indigenous Shamanism

For modern non-indigenous cultures, shamanism is studied and practiced as a way of life. These practitioners seek to use information and guidance from the spirit plane to intentionally develop their life experience. Following a shamanistic perspective, these seekers aspire to be in relationship with the spirit of clans in every way and all things.

Shamanic Feather Treatments

There are safe shamanic practices you can do on your own for better health and well-being, including limpia sweeps. Limpias (shamanic cleanses) are commonly used rites in curanderismo, a shamanic healing practice in Latin America.

Keep in mind that all bird feathers provide healing, clearing and insight. In light of that, here’s a little more to discover about certain feathers’ gifts and meanings:

  • Pheasant’s wings: They heal a broken heart and move stagnant energy.
  • Crow feathers: They promote divine guidance and change.
  • Owl feathers: They inspire wisdom and clarity.
  • Hawk Feathers: They open the path to new opportunities.

As you can see, this form of shamanism may help heal depression from a broken heart and bring enlightenment, wisdom and more.

Steps for a Limpia Sweep

To do a limpia sweep, you will need water that has been blessed or charged and feather(s) or a feather fan that has been activated by you. Having an altar is also helpful. If you are performing the limpia sweep on yourself, place a red yarn thread over the center of your palm (that is where the hand chakra is). The red yarn will stop energy from entering back into you. If you are performing it on yourself or on another, use the following steps.

  1. Give thanks: Connect with the bird spirit and give thanks to them for lending their spirit energies that open up pathways to renewal and spirituality. Thank it for its help in clearing and healing the person involved, also.
  2. Spray the person with charged water or blessed water: Blessed water, sometimes referred to as holy water, is water that is blessed by an individual that holds high volumes of spiritual power. Or, more simply, one way to charge your own water is by saying a prayer and then sending the loving, healing energy into the water. Intention is everything!
    1. Take a tiny bit of the blessed or charged water in your mouth, making sure the water doesn’t go past your teeth. You can also use a spray bottle if you don’t want to use your mouth to blow the water.
    2. If the person is lying down, make sure to liberally spray the person’s crown, head, heart, genital areas, knees and feet.
    3. If the person is sitting, only spray the crown, heart, and spine.
  3. Use a rattle: After spraying, run a rattle up & down the body of the person.
  4. Sweep: Using your dominant hand, sweep the person with the feather fan or feather(s). Start at the head and move down to the entire body, doing both their front and back. Finish the sweep by anointing the top of the person’s head, forehead, throat, and heart with the blessed water.
  5. Return blessed items to the altar: Afterward, place the feather items on your altar. This helps to get them cleansed and recharged.

Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo

If you would like to learn more about the shamanistic approach, the book Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo by author Erika Buenaflor is a good read and will help you learn more about the different sweeping ceremonies.

Her book discusses spiritual cleaning passed down by ancient Mesoamerican shamans. Within its pages, fire rites for transformation, sweeping ceremonies for divination and more are examined. Altogether, it’s a brilliant tutorial on the ancient practice of utilizing limpias to heal ailments of the body, mind, and soul.

Healing with Shamanic Treatments: Final Thoughts

There are many shamanic treatments, and we hope that this post starts you on your journey of channeling your spiritual energies and healing with shamanic treatments. To find out more, be sure to do your research, and head over to RealChem’s blog to find out about the world’s top five shamanic spots and how mounting evidence is showing that tryptamines may help cure depression.

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