Sea DMT: the Psychedelic Sponge

In an interesting development for psychonauts, they’ve recently found out that sea sponges contain 5-Bromo-DMT. After hearing about this, you might have visions in your head of mermaids “set and setting,” while sucking on sponges for a fun and introspective Saturday night. As funny as that scenario might be, there are no mermaids. There are, however, three species of sponges that contain the “spirit molecule.” Let’s read on a bit about this novel concept, shall we?

About DMT and 5-Bromo-DMT

5-Bromo-DMT is a neurotransmitter and derivative of DMT (N-Dimethyltryptamine). If you are unfamiliar, DMT is a powerful tryptamine alkaloid that produces intense psychedelic experiences when consumed. The transcendental, spiritual experience of DMT is so powerful that it is known as the “spirit molecule.”

DMT is found naturally in animals and plants, including the plant Banisteriopsis caapi – which is used, along with the Psychotria viridis shrub, to make potent, mind-bending ayahuasca brew. DMT can also be made in a laboratory setting. In fact, the 5-Bromo derivative of DMT is synthesized via the classical Speeter-Anthony tryptamine synthesis, leaving behind the brominated indole alkaloid 5-Bromo-DMT.

What this means when you break it down from chemistry speak, is that neither humans nor mermaids can suck on these sponges and get much, or any, of the benefits of the spirit molecule. Instead, a chemist must first synthesize the psychedelic substance that comes from them and do a lot of lab preparation to make this extremely rare and fascinating substance from the tryptamine class safe. 

Effects of 5-Bromo-DMT

5-Bromo-DMT has a pEC50 value of 5.51 for the 5-HT2A receptor. Studies with 5-Bromo-DMT indicate that it produces a sedative and antidepressant activity as well as a reduction in locomotor activity.  

What we know about Marine Tryptamines

5-Bromo-DMT, also known as 5-BR-DMT, is encountered in three marine invertebrate species Smenospongia aurea, Smenospongia echina and Verongula rigida. All three species belong to the class Demospongiae. Their distribution is found within the Bahamas and parts of the U.S. such as the Florida Keys, where they are commonly encountered in reefs and in lagoons.

Species Details

  • Smenospongia aurea: This marine sponge becomes dark and exudes mucus when handled. It has a soft but tough consistency with skin colour that is drab to brown, with yellowish flesh and openings. Areas of aurea’s distribution are the Florida Keys and throughout the Caribbean.
  • Smenospongia echina: This sea sponge is coloured pale parrot green on the outside, and yellowish on the inside. It has large openings on its rough and low-setting volcano-like mounds. Its distribution is reported in South Florida and the Cayman Islands. Smenospongia echina dwells on hard bottoms and coral reefs. Like Smenospongia aurea, it expels mucus when handled.
  • Verongula rigida: This species is also known as “pitted sponge,” and it is a common reef species in South Florida and the Caribbean. The colour of this psychedelic sponge is highly variable, ranging from brilliant yellow to red-brown in shade and emerald to a grassy-green when the habitat is exposed to light. The consistency of this particular psychedelic sponge is almost cheese-like. It features unique, meandering ridges and tubules

sea sponge

How their Psychedelic Natures were “Discovered”

The existence of these three species of sponges has been known about since the late 1800s and the early 1900s. However, the knowledge that they contained marine tryptamine is fairly new and only became common knowledge when pseudonymous tryptamine chemist, “Dr. Oculus” reported about it in a letter to Vice five years ago. The chemist reported in detail the phenomenon and how to synthesize 5-BR-DMT from these marine creatures.

For now, there is just speculation on whether Dr. Oculus is the first one to use 5-BR-DMT from the sponges. What we do know is that the three sponges contain the very first psychedelic drug of marine origin…or do we? Read on to find out, psychonauts.

A High using Gills not Pills

Many people believe that sea DMT is the first psychedelic drug of marine origin. However, that is not entirely true, as there are species of fish, such as sarpa sarpa that give hallucinogenic experiences similar to that of LSD when eaten. Also, a certain species of catfish might be giving psychedelic sponges a run for their money.

In 2013, SillyPlantGuy wrote the following on a forum:

“Amateur psychonauts In Florida, at a university I don’t want to name, students in the Marine biology program were using a slime found only on the spines of a certain species of catfish as a mild psychedelic.”

Whether Silly’s statement is true or not, amateur psychonauts like the ones in Florida represent “eureka moments” for new research chemical discoveries.

Do Sponges Need DMT?

The purpose that DMT serves in the human body largely remains a mystery, but several theories exist. For one, the pineal gland in the human brain is the DMT hub, and researchers say that large amounts of DMT are released when we dream or die. In short, it’s used in some fashion for those two specific functions.

Sponges don’t have a complex central nervous system as humans do, nor do they produce the substance for a defense mechanism like certain psychedelic toads do. For instance, the Colorado River Toad has venomous glands that excrete toxins containing the psychedelic 5-MeO-DMT when they are threatened by predators. For many centuries, shamans have been using 5-MeO-DMT in their ceremonies.

Recent studies have pointed to evidence that the brominated indole alkaloids found in the species of psychedelic sponges are of a microbial origin. So, it’s difficult to determine if the marine sponges need the secondary metabolites that the bacteria produces in them or not.

Buying 5-Br-DMT for Research Purposes

For over a decade (and maybe longer), research chemists have been devising ways to isolate and remove 5-Br-DMT from the seeds of poriferan psychedelics like Smenospongia aurea.

Researchers have also noted that these sponges grow incredibly slow, so using them as a tryptamine source for research may not be viable. Fortunately, the hassle of slowly growing sponges and synthesizing 5-Br-DMT for research purposes is unnecessary, as it is offered by online vendors like Realchems in powder form.

Where to Buy 5-BR-DMT

5-BR-DMT can be purchased on the RealChems website. We sell premium quality 5-BR-DMT, typically in powder. However, we often have other substance forms available, so feel free to contact us online to see if we have your preferred substance form in stock. Alternatively, you can use the interactive chatbox on the home page if you have questions. Remember: You must be at least 18 years old to buy it from us and all 5-BR-DMT is produced and sold for research purposes only. Considering there is such a lack of research on this compound, we are exciting to be offering it!

5-BR-DMT Powder: Shelf Life & Handling

Buy 5-BR-DMT research chemicals online in the highest quality powder form. Buy 5-BR-DMT in the quantities 0.25gr, 0.5gr, 1gr, and 2gr. Store the 5-BR-DMT powder in a dry and cool place for maximum shelf-life. When handling research chemicals, it’s critical to always take the proper precautions in the laboratory like wiping down surfaces, wearing gloves/a mask and protective clothing.

Final Thoughts

Amazing stuff! The whole realm offers fascinating study for researchers. We hope you enjoyed reading the captivating story about psychedelic sponges. If you liked this post, you’ll probably enjoy reading this one about the beneficial role tryptamine metabolism plays in depression.

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